This project is designed for beginners who would like to make out what the structure of the track looks like in the psy trance style and what elements it consists of.
In the project, there is a minimal set of plug-ins and synthesisers, that you would not be able to learn how to write your tracks using my project.
The project contains the following third-party synthesisers and plug-ins:
- Reveal Sound Spire 1.1.12;
- ArtsAcoustic Reverb 1.6.0
- Plugin Alliance Maag Audio EQ4 1.1;
- Xfer Records OTT;
- Cableguys ShaperBox;
The project is based on Ableton Live Suite 9.7.1
Questions & Support
You can ask any questions about the project by using comments or you can send and email via profile contact form.
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