100 TRANCE KICKS is a brand new set of kicks created specifically for trance music.
Talented sound designer Jksound back again and created an exciting set of 100 quality kick drums ready to use in your productions.
Jksound also included additional bonus sounds as a presets for Reveal-Sound Spire synthesizer that are used in the audiodemo.
All of this content is 100% Royalty-Free, so you can use any of these elements in your own productions.
If you are producing trance music and would like to get more inspiration and expand your sound library, this is the perfect package!
Synth Presets Compatibility:
* Please Use Reveal Sound Spire synthesizer Version 1.1.17 Or Higher.
* Please Note: Keep your software legal and up-to-date to avoid any issues when loading your new presets.
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